Prostate conditionsProstatic enlargement due to BPH I perform wide range of prostatic surgery for benign enlargement, including Green light laser prostatectomy, Rezum, Aquablation and UroLift) and will assess and select the procedure most appropriate for the patient. Read about my pioneering work at Diagnosis of prostate cancer (elevated PSA) I offer advice and assessment for elevated PSA. I will arrange an MRI scan of your prostate before we decide together whether you would like to go ahead with prostate biopsy. Prostatitis Advanced treatment and counselling of prostatitis. I will review all your previous treatments and will suggest best measures to control symptoms. Bladder conditions
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
I am very experienced in managing recurrent UTIs, which are frequently difficult to control and affect quality of life of a sufferer greatly. I also treat overactive bladder and interstitial cystitis and offer Botox injections to the bladder. General urology and kidney stonesAssessment and treatment of testicular and foreskin problems, vasectomy, as well as laser for kidney stones